سيد أحمد

Culture of Kordufan Mosaic


سيد أحمد


Culture of Kordufan Mosaic


Ceramics on mixed media


Hight 350cm

Width 900cm



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فتح الرحمن الزبير
الحسن المنتصر
بدون عنوان
آمنة الحسن
Ameer The Pillow
عصام شاع الدين
الحسن المنتصر

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  1. Under this agreement, I hereby grant permission to the Sudan Art Archive to utilize the information provided about me and my works for the purpose of documenting the history of Sudanese art. The Muse Multi Studios will retain this information and share it as part of its artistic archive online and in relevant publications.
  2. I acknowledge that The Muse Multi Studios and the Sudan Art Archive may include information about me and my artworks from online platforms as part of their digital archive. I hereby express my consent to The Muse Multi Studios to utilize publicly available information from the internet for this purpose.
  3. I affirm that I will not hold The Muse multi studios or the Sudan Art Archive accountable for any claims or disputes arising from the ownership or accuracy of the provided information.